
1 people are documented within DC.WAS.AT44.277.1
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document
Robert Perks 21 Mixed race ("mulatto") Male grantee


Certificate of freedom was recorded on 31 May 1819. Elizabeth Carroll states that Robert Pecks is a free man; that she was well acquainted with his mother, Sucky [Lucky] Smith and also with his grandmother Hannah Smith; both were free born women and resided many years in Montgomery Co., Maryland. The "said Mulatto man Robert is about 21 years old, 5' and 6 or 7" high, [ of] good countenance and well made." Signed on 19 May 1819 by Elizabeth Carroll. ln the left margin of the handwritten Liber the following is written: "ex [ examined] and delivered to Robert [Parks] June [ 1st] 181 9."