
2 people are documented within DC.WAS.H8.343.2
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document
William Bond grantor
Milly [Milley] Queen 38 Mixed race ("mulatto") Female grantee


At the request of Milley Queen the manumission was recorded on 30 June 1802. William Bond of the City of Washington and Territory of Columbia was the proprietor of a Mulatto woman slave named Milley Queen whom he bought from Gerrard S. Bowman of Prince Georges Co., Maryland. Milley is now aged 38 years or thereabouts being sound in mind and body and of healthy constitution and capable oflabor. She was set free for the consideration of 63 pounds 7 shillings and 3 pence paid by Milley Queen to William Bond; her freedom to take effect the next day. All of Milley Queen's issue born after she is freed will also be free and discharged from all claims of service or right of property by William Bond, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. William Bond signed the manumission and affixed his seal on 29 June 1802. On the same day William Bond appeared before Com. Cunningham a Justice of the Peace and acknowledged the manumission to be his act and deed. [Compiler's note: The * in the Index denotes that the part in parenthesis is written in pencil in the original handwritten Liber.]