
8 people are documented within DC.WAS.Z25.207.1
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document
John B Rittenhouse grantee
Apthorpe 29 Male enslaved
Betsy 25 Female enslaved
Bernard 8 enslaved
Editha 7 enslaved
Keziah 3 enslaved
Harriet Female enslaved
Presley enslaved


Certificate of slaves was recorded 5 November 1811. John B. Rittenhouse brought into the District of Columbia from Virginia about two weeks ago as his property by marriage to Harriet Beverly the following: Apthorpe Jackson, born 3 June 1782 Betsey Jackson, born in l 786 Bernard Jackson, born IO December 1803 Editha, or Edy, Jackson, born on 3 March 1804 Keziah Jackson, called Kezy, born on 15 October 1808 Harriet, daughter of Harry and Edy Jackson, Apthorpe and Betsey are John Rittenhouse's proberty by marriage with Harriet Beverly. Apthrope was given to Harriet Beverly by her mother on her marriage to John Rittenhouse in December 1809. Betsy was given to Harriet Beverly by her father at about 12 years of age. Bernard, Edy, Kezy, Presley, and Harriet are all children of Apthrope and Betsey.