
[Untitled advertisement]

NEWBERN, NORTH-CAROLINA, Feb 26 RUN away from th subscriber, a mulatto man named Abraham, who he lately bought from from Mr. Isacc Patridge of this place, he is verly likely and well made, near or about six feet high, tolerable good house carpenter and shoemaker, about forty years of age, as any particular description of them, but he has a plenty, therefore make no doubt he will appear well dressed, and have reason to beleive [sic] he has a considerable sum of money with him, he was seen about ten days since on his way to Holly Shelter, in company with a mulatto man named Lewis, belonging to Mrs. Barron, of this town both on horse-back, he was the property of the late Major David Barron, deceased, he is 18 years of age, and about 5 feet 6 inches high, wel set, has black hair which curles naturally, remarkable large eyes, his face is much freckled, he will also appear well dressed, as he has a plenty of clothes and money; it is expected they will both keep together, and am very sure they will chnage their names, and endeavour to pass as freeman, they will make the best of their way for South Carolina, to enter on board some vessel, in order to make their escape to the West-Indies, as Abrahhm [sic] has relations in St. Eustatia. Any person apprehending the said slaves, goal where the owners can get them, shall reward, if taken out of the state two hundred dollars, and if brought here all reasonable expences paid by WILSON BLOUNT. N.B. They have been seen on their way to Cross-Creek, and are supposed to be lurking abut that place.

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
New Bern, NC
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)
South Carolina
West Indies

Publication information

4 people are documented within NC.CRA.93.17780313.3.1125
Name Role in document
Mr. Isaac Patridge Former slaveholder
Wilson Blount Placing Ad
Abraham Slave
Major David Barron Slaveholder