

NOTICE. RAN away from the subscriber, living in Wake county, North Carolina, on Neuse river, sixteen miles north of Raleigh, a negro fellow named LEWIS, about twenty-three years old, of a dark complexion, and spare make, though of tolerable size, height not particularly recollected; he has sound white fore teeth, his neck somewhat longer than common, and the white of his eyes clearer than usual for negroes; his back has some marks of the switch. He is a negro of a tolerably good countenance, active in almost any farming business, and a good distiller. It is supposed he went off on a bay mare, forward with foal, tolerably old, and has a knot on her back. This negro formerly belonged to the estate of John Cabe, esq. of Orange county. It is supposed that he will endeavour to pass as a freeman, and has probably procured a free pass. He ran away in the year 1819, while the property of Mr. Cabe, deceased, and spent the most of his time in the towns of Milton and Oxford, and passed as a freeman by the name of Lewis Petteford. Any person that will apprehend said negro and deliver him to me, or commit him to jail so that I get him, shall be liberally rewarded, and all reasonable expenses paid. A liberal reward also will be given, and all reasonable expenses paid, for the nag he went away on. Benjamin Rogers. March 4 60--tf

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)

Publication information

5 people are documented within NC.ORA.66.18230305.3.1144
Name Role in document
John Cabe, Esquire Former slaveholder
Benjamin Rogers Placing Ad
Lewis Slave
Slave alias
Benjamin Rogers Slaveholder