
Five dollars reward

FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber on the 4th inst. a Negro Fellow, named HARRY. He was lately purchased of Mr. Thad Barnes and formerly belonged to Messrs. J. & R. Kay, who purchased him in Edenton, where it is supposed he will attempt to get. He is about five feet eight inches high, well made and active, dark complexion, high cheek-bones. Had on an ozneburges[sic] shirt and overalls. Any person delivering him to me near Halifax town or securing him in any gaol of the state, shall receive the above Reward. All persons are forewarned from harbouring or carrying off said negro at their peril RHODEHAM RAWLINGS N.B. If he returns of his own accord, he will be forgiven. Halifax, August 6 60 3

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
Halifax, NC
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)
Edenton (N.C.)

Publication information

6 people are documented within NC.HAL.96.17950817.4.1182
Name Role in document
J. & Former slaveholder
R. Kay Former slaveholder
Thad Barnes Former slaveholder
Rhodeham Rawlings Placing Ad
Harry Slave
Rhodeham Rawlings Slaveholder