
100 dollars reward

100 Dollars Reward. RUN-AWAY or Stolen from the Subscriber on Sunday night last, a Mulatto Girl named EDAH, about 20 years of age, very light complexion, modest pretty countenance, red cheeks, and a remarkable handsome figure. A further description of her is deemed unnecessary, as she is well known by many gentlemen both in the Northern and Southern States, who have put up at my house; she having attended as a house servant for many years past. I have some reason to believe that she has been enticed off by some person, as [illegible] the treatment she received she never would have absconded without some great inducement, having always been used more like a free person than a slave. I will give the above reward if apprehended without the State or 50 dollars if taken within and delivered to me, or secured so that I get her again . JAMES WOOD. Hertford, Perquimans County, N.C. August 23d, 8114 [1814] 61--4w

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
Hertford, NC
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)

Publication information

3 people are documented within NC.WAK.99.18140909.4.1402
Name Role in document
James Wood Placing Ad
Edah Slave
James Wood Slaveholder