
[Untitled advertisement]

RUN AWAY from Mount Pleasant estate, on the North-West, a Negro fellow named TONY, late the property of Miss Cobham, well known in and about Wilmington, as he was one of the fiddlers to the assemblies. He is tall, well made, and thin vissaged, between black and yellow. He took away a fiddle, some carpenters tools, & c. He has a wife at Mr. Frederick Jone's, on the Sound, named Belly, (his cook) who harboured him when he left his master before. He, and some others, it is suspected, intend trying to get to the Eastern states, imagining they will be free. Their intended rout is by the back part of this state and Virginia, to Pennsylvania; they proposed taking their wives. Tony's wife would not go with him. A reward of TEN POUNDS will be given to any person who will secure him in any of the gaols of this or any neighbouring state; and any neighboruing state; and any moderate expence to deliver him to Mr. Sheriff Wright, or by giving information by letter to GOODIN ELLETSON, At Mount Pleasant, on North-West of Cape Fear. Bladen, May 17, 1788.

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
Mount Pleasant, NC
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)

Publication information

4 people are documented within NC.NEW.166.17880618.3.1589
Name Role in document
Miss Cobham Former slaveholder
Goodin Elletson Placing Ad
Tony Slave
Goodin Elletson Slaveholder