
One Cent Reward!

One Cent Reward!- Carter Taylor a colored boy bound to me is going at large-I hereby warn all persons against harboring or employing him, particularly the man who was seen to lift him in his wagon at the Court House on Thursday of court week. Unless he returns him directly with his clothes, I shll prosecute him to the utmost extent of the law. The said Carter is crow black, with white broad teeth, screws up his eyes whilst speaking, is about eleven years old, has a scar from a burn on his forearm, is cunning and intelligent, had on a new gray round about jacket and pants. But as he has several suits of clothes, caps, and jackets, it isneedless to describe him by his dress. He has sense enough to assume any name. He can read a little, and is good at numbers. I will give the above reward to anyone who will return him to me. WM. S. FONTAINE 97-4w*cr.r

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
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Presumed destination(s)

Publication information

3 people are documented within NC.GUI.60.18660601.2.2379
Name Role in document
WM. S. Fontaine Placing Ad
Carter Taylor Slave
WM. S. Fontaine Slaveholder