
20 dollars reward

20 DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away from the subscriber, on the 10th inst. a negro fellow named SCIPEO, formerly the property of George Davis, Esquire. The above reward will be given to any person who will apprehend and deliver him to the Gaoler in Wilmington, or to Richard Quince. February 23.

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)

Publication information

4 people are documented within NC.NEW.63.17970302.1.392
Name Role in document
George Davis, Esquire Former slaveholder
Richard Quince Placing Ad
Scipeo Slave
Richard Quince Slaveholder