Victor Duperron, a free man of color, presents to the court that, in 1839, Jacob C. Vanwickle, sheriff of Point Coupee Parish, "illegally and arbitrarily" confiscated three fourths of 15,214 pounds of "unginned" cotton, the majority of which belonged to him. He explains that, although Vanwickle knew that he was the cotton crop's majority owner, Vanwickle proceeded with the confiscation in order to comply with a writ of seizure and sale issued by a court of law in two separate suits by Etienne Gérard and Arnaud Dutaud, respectively, against his partner, Préval Allain, also a free man of color. He claims that the seizure of his crop cost him $600. He prays that Vanwickle, Gérard and Dutaud be cited to appear before the court and that, after "due and legal proceedings," a judgment for $600 be rendered in his favor. He asks for a trial by jury [Original in English and French].
Result: Partially granted; appealed; appeal dismissed.
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Repository: Pointe Coupee Parish Courthouse, New Roads, Louisiana