Petition #21485137


Jordan C. Holt, Benjamin Moseley, and Jordan C. Holt Jr. seek an injunction restraining the collection of a debt. They submit that Holt purchased a slave named Frances from the estate of the late Rebecca Fisher in April 1850. Frances was warranted as healthy; however, soon after the purchase, Holt discovered "that she was afflicted with consumption or some other disease," of which she died within a few months. Holt maintains that Frances "never rendered him any service whatever, but on the contrary was during all that time a heavy charge." The petitioners believe that Fisher's heirs and administrator knew of Frances's illness; they claim "in fact one of them, Lewis Gaunt in conversation with your Orator about her, in effect admitted it but falsely pretended that she was pregnant and alleged that her illness was caused by her pregnancy alone." Fisher's heirs and administrator have recently instituted a suit against the Holts and Moseley, demanding that they pay for the slave. Holt has refused, insisting "that this Honl. Court will not compel him to pay his money for nothing, or for a diseased and dying negro." The petitioners therefore pray that the heirs and administrator be perpetually enjoined from collecting payment for the slave.

Result: Dismissed; appealed; affirmed.

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Citation information

Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee
