Petition #21485212


Thomas J. Miller seeks compensation from Elizabeth Marshall for his work as her agent. Miller states that Marshall is "an aged woman and afflicted with bodily infirmities which prevented her from attending to her business with any degree of convenience." Therefore, in 1847, Marshall gave the petitioner power of attorney in order that he might manage her 15 to 20 slaves and farm. Miller found that Marshall "was much inclined to be fickle and whimsical in the management of her affairs," sometimes being very "strict" with her slaves and at other times "extending to them great indulgence." Beyond managing the hiring of Marshall's slaves, he was also responsible for managing the slaves, who remained on the farm. Miller was never compensated for this work. Further, "part of the time he was agent as aforesaid your orator had a family grocery store in the town of Franklin, and from the same furnished defendant often with articles" as well as "small sums of money," for which he was never been repaid. Miller prays "that an account may be taken under the decree of this court of your orators said agency, That he be allowed all his proper payments and disbursements" as well as "reasonable compensation for his services."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Williamson County Preservation of Records and Archives, Franklin, Tennessee
