Petition #21681719


James Greer reports that he purchased from the executors of the late Joseph Wright "a certain negro man slave Peter who by them was set up & cryed by their auctioneer ... as a sound & healthy negro slave & bid off to your Orator as such at the great Price of seven hundred & thirteen Dollars for which your Orator Executed his bond." Greer cites that "after the sale your orator discovered that the negroe slave Peter was unsound unhealthy and had Long Laboured under the worst kind of Venereal by some Call'd the Pox which was altogether unknown to & concealed from your orator." Noting that "Peter was unfit for Labour & never did one days Labour for your Orator," Greer informs the court that the slave "Lingered for six months and died." The petitioner reveals that "the Executors aforesaid brought suit on the bond" and recovered a judgment against him and his security. Greer seeks "an Injunction to stay all farther proceedings on said Judgment."

Result: Partially granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
