Petition #21685703


John P. Michie cites that Lewis Snow brought suit against him to collect money due from the sale of a slave. Michie admits that Snow sold him a "negro woman named Franky about 45 years old, at the price of $400." He avers that Snow informed him "at the time of the purchase, that said woman was sound & healthy, & had never been sick, nor required any medicine for the period of twenty years that the said Snow had owned her." The petitioner, however, soon discovered that Franky has a disease of a "lingering & not acute character, manifesting itself only in drooping & debility, when set about any labor." Michie reveals that he soon had to spend money for Franky's "Doctor's bills, feeding, nursing, clothing &c." He accuses Snow of knowing before the sale that Franky was "unsound & wholly worthless." He argues that Snow intended to sell her in order "to get rid of a worthless piece of property, which he expected to die in a short time on the hands of the owner." As a result, Michie states that he refused to pay his bond for the purchase of Franky, whereupon Snow filed suit against him. Michie prays that an injunction be issued against Snow to prevent him from proceeding with his execution.

Result: Dismissed.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
