
Three hundred pound's [sic] reward

Three Hundred Pound's Reward. St. Stephen's Parish, (in South Carolina) RUN AWAY from the Subscriber about Fifteen Months since, Two Negro Fellows and a Wench, viz. WILL, GEORGE, and SYLVIA. WILL, is about Twenty-five Years of Age, Five Feet Eight Inches high, of a yellowish Complexion, slim made, and a little knock-knee'd, his Teeth filed, and his Country marks in his Face; a Cooper and Rough Carpenter: GEORGE is Twenty Years of Age Five Feet Five Inches high, of a dark Complexion, is very artful; he has been used to take Care of Horses: SYLVIA, is a likely young Wench, about Five Feet Five Inches High, of a yellowish Complexion, her Teeth filed; she has attended in a House. A Reward of ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS, Currency, will be paid on Delivery of the above NEGROES to the WARDEN of the Work-House, or at his Plantation in St. Stephen's Parish, near Murray's Ferry, or in Proportion for one, if taken in the Province. THOMAS WEST, An Overseer, about twenty five years of age, five feeet[sic] seven inches high, very slim of a swarthy Complection, who lived at the Subscriber's Plantation and about three years, and just about the time the said three Negroes Run-away, he left him: It is generally thought the said Thomas West has carried the Negroes into North-Carolina, Virginia or Maryland, and may offer them for sale. All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase the said Negroes and if purchased by any Person, they are hereby required to deliver the said Slaves to the Proprietor, or they may depend on being prosecuted to the utmost rigour of the Law. A Reward of three hundred Pounds, currency, will be paid on delivery of the Negroes on in proportion, if taken out of the Province; and a further Reward of [illegible] hundred Pounds, will be given to whoever will give information of their being carried out of the Province, or being harboured by a white Person, on conviction of the Offender. JOHN GALLARD.

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
St. Stephen's Parish,
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)
North Carolina

Publication information

5 people are documented within NC.NEW.12.17730113.1.1285
Name Role in document
John Gaillard Placing Ad
Sylvia Slave
Will Slave
George Slave
John Gaillard Slaveholder