
$175 reward

$175 Reward. RANAWAY from Joseph Brandon, on the 6th of July last, a bright yellow boy by the name of REUBEN, about 6 feet high, 22 or 23 years of age, and very likely. Also, on the 11th of September, his wife, named JINNEY, bright yellow, about 20 years old and 5 feet high, very likely and heavy built. The above boy was seen a short time ago, in the neighborhood of Smart's Mine, in Mecklenburg county. A reward of 100 dollars will be given for the apprehension of the boy, and 75 dollars for the girl, if confined in any jail so that we can get them. HENRY FULENWIDER, JOSEHPH BRANDON. Lincoln County, Jan 19. 1837. 29tf

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)
Smart's Mine (N.C.)
Mecklenburg County (N.C.)

Publication information

6 people are documented within NC.MEC.21.18370120.3.170
Name Role in document
Henry Fulenwider Placing Ad
Joseph Brandon Placing Ad
Reuben Slave
Jinney Slave
Joseph Brandon Slaveholder
Henry Fulenwider Slaveholder