
Stop the runaways!

Stop the Runaways! RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on Saturday, the 22nd of July, a negro man named JIM. Jim is a stout, strong built negro, aged about 35 years, dark complexion, with thick lips, flat nose, and features generally of a heavy cast; his clothing not recollected, but I believe they consisted chiefly of homespun. Also, at the same time, a mulatto girl named RACHEL, the property of William Black, living in Providence settlement, in this county.--Rachel is about 35 years old, five feet six inches high, has a small scar down the left side of her neck, is a smart active negro and fond of dress; her clothing, when she left here, cannot now be specified. Jim and Rachel being man and wife, they are doubtless together. It is not known where they will make for; but as Rachel, on a former occasion, was taken up in Randolph county, where she had lived some time, it is possible they may have gone there. Any person delivering both or either of the above named negroes to the subscriber, or securing them in such way that I can get them again, shall be suitably rewarded, and all reasonable expenses paid. THOS.[THOMAS] B. SMARTT. Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. August 4, 1826. 6t98

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
Charlotte, NC
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)
Randolph County (N.C.)

Publication information

4 people are documented within NC.MEC.20.18260808.3.1799
Name Role in document
Thomas B. Smartt Placing Ad
Jim Slave
Rachel Slave
William Black Slaveholder