
Ten dollars reward

TEN DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away from the subscriber in Robeson county, the 10 of March last, a negro wench named Winny; she is about 26 years of age, very stout, squints with one eye, was born and raised in Wayne county in this state--belonged once to Robert Best of that place--had on when she went away, a striped homespun wrapper and petticoat, and carried with her several other articles of cloathing and two pair Scotch blankets. I think it is probable that she may have made towards Turtle River in Georgia, as her husband has been taken there. The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid to any person that will deliver her to me or secure her in any gaol so that I get her again. JOHN M'PHAIL. Robeson county, May 6.

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
County(s) of residence
Presumed destination(s)
Turtle River (Ga.)

Publication information

4 people are documented within NC.WAK.99.18000610.3.1841
Name Role in document
Robert Best Former slaveholder
John M'Phail Placing Ad
Winny Slave
John M'Phail Slaveholder