
[Untitled advertisement]

ELOPED from the Brigantine Friendship, in July, 1774, two indented Servants...Also ran away in August last, a new Negro Fellow, by Name QUAMINO, about 4 Feet 10 Inches high, and about 30 Years of Age, has a Scar aboove his right Eye, his Teeth are filled, and is marked with his Country Marks; had on when he went away, a Collar about marked G P, and an Iron on each Leg. Whoever delivers said white Servants and Negro to Henry Young in Wilmington, shall receive 6 l. Proc. Money for the Whole, or 40 s. for each, and reasonable Charges, or secures them in any Gaol so that they may be had again Wilmington, April 10, 1775.

Locations of interest

The below geolocation information is currently not linked to an individual in our dataset. Please refer to the above transcript for additional information related to people and their assumed locations.

Date(s) of departure
Wilmington, NC
County(s) of residence
New Hanover
Presumed destination(s)

Publication information

3 people are documented within NC.CRA.93.17750505.4.781
Name Role in document
Henry Young Placing Ad
Quamino Slave
Henry Young Slaveholder