
Fifteen dollars reward

Fifteen Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the suscriber[sic], about the 25th June last, a negro man named CHARLES. Said negro was purchased at the sale of the property of Frederick Dinkins, deceased, is about five feet seven or eight inches high, black color, and speaks very broken. Any person apprehending said negro and delivering him to the subscriber, or confining him in any jail in the State so that I get him, shall be entitled to the above reward. MOSES NEELY, sen. Nov. 27, 1827--4t62

Locations of interest

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Date(s) of departure
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Publication information

4 people are documented within NC.MEC.20.18271204.3.797
Name Role in document
Frederick Dinkins Former slaveholder
Moses Neely, sen. Placing Ad
Charles Slave
"Moses Neely, sen." Slaveholder