All people in petition 21483512

Listing 19 of 19 people
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document Enslavement Status Enslaver?
Anthony circa 10 years in 1811 black male slave
Anthony black male slave
Arthur Cobb white male yes
David black male slave
Dick circa 17 years in 1811 black male slave
Elandra black slave
Enoch Ensley white male defendant
Hanner black female slave
Ira C. Kneeland white male petitioner
Isham circa 12 years in 1812 black male slave
Jacob circa 10 years in 1812 black male slave
Jason Thompson white male yes
Jason and Susanna Cobb Kneeland Thompson white yes
John McNairy Thompson white male defendant yes
Joseph black male slave
Matilda black female slave
Milly black female slave
Susanna Cobb Kneeland Thompson white female petitioner yes
Thomas circa 50 years in 1812 black male slave