All people in petition 21483709

Listing 16 of 16 people
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document Enslavement Status Enslaver?
Cassandra Gray circa 10 years in 1837 black female petitioner FPOC
Eveline Gray circa 4 years in 1837 black female petitioner FPOC
Fanny Gray circa 26 years in 1825 black female petitioner FPOC
Henry Gray circa 3 years in 1837 black male petitioner FPOC
James Scarbrough white male defendant
John K. Coulston white male defendant yes
John Scarbourough white male petitioner
John K. Coulston, William K. Coulston and Richard Cooley white male yes
Joseph Smith old person in 1837 white male defendant
Josiah Gray circa 12 years in 1837 black male petitioner FPOC
Martha Gray circa 7 years in 1837 black female petitioner FPOC
Mary Gray circa 5 years in 1837 black female petitioner FPOC
Richard Cooley white male defendant
Simon Gray black male yes
Thomas French white male yes
William K. Coulston white male defendant