Petition #11278802


William Delaney declares that he was "ordered on duty by his officer to assist in quelling an Insurrection Ex[c]ited by John Seveir & Others in the District of Washington." He further laments that during a confrontation on the plantation of Col. John Tipton he "received a wound in his Right arm, that so disabled your memorialist that he was incapable of doing any kind of business" for five months and that he "was under the necessity of Employing persons of Skill to dress his wounds & take care of him during the above period of time." The petitioner therefore hopes that "Your Honourable Body ... will Reimburse him" for the medical expenses incurred for treating the wound he received while "in the Service of the State."

Result: House: read, referred; senate: read, referred.

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Citation information

Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina
