Petition #11280003


William Moore requests compensation for the loss of a horse that died during a pursuit of outlaws. He explains that, "from a wish to suppress Villiany," he participated in the apprehension and jailing of "men of notorious Characters" who were later convicted of "forgery & Stealin of Negros and Selling them." Moore further reveals that his "excessive rideing & great exertions ... killed or at least Occationed the death of a valuable Horse" that cost him $210; said loss forced him to mortgage his "One negroe and he a very Valuable fellow." As a cripple, Moore claims that he is "altogether Unable to work" and support his "very large & helpless family of small children." He therefore requests that he receive "such an allowance from the public of said State as may be Adequate to his losses."

Result: Rejected.

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Citation information

Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina
