Petition #11280109


John Davidson "sheweth that he owns a negro man slave Call'd and known by the name of Doctor Wallace who is Desirous of obtaining freedom and suporting himself by his occupation." Davidson declares that "he the said Doctor Wallace is often Time sent for som Times at a very Considerable Distance so that the most of his Time is taken up in Visiting & administering Physic & waiting on those Patients who Choses to Imploy him." This results, according to Davidson, in "his services to me [being] Rendered almost useless." Noting that "a number of the Inhabitants believes him to be very Skilfull and Usefull as a Physician and seems Disirous of his Liberation," the petitioner prays "your Honourable Body to Emancipate the said Doctor Wallace and make him a free Citizen of the Country and that he may for the future be Call'd ... Peter Wallace."

Result: Senate: read, referred emancipation committee.

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Citation information

Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina
