Petition #11280901


Gen. Montford Stokes, the administrator Col. Alexander Worke's estate, seeks to comply with Worke's wishes to emancipate certain slaves. Stokes asserts that the said Worke provided in his will that nine slaves "be set free" and that he "has provided that they shall not become chargeable to the public in any respect, by appropriating a part of his Estate for their support, and by providing for the removal of some of them to Pennsylvania." Noting that one of the said slaves has died since Worke's death, the petitioner prays that an act be passed "for the emancipation of the said Surviving negroes." Stokes states that Worke died seized and possessed "of several tracts of land and upwards of seventy negro slaves."

Result: Committee report favorable; concurred with.

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Citation information

Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina
