Frances Murdin reveals that her husband David "fled & left in the most dependant and wretched situation your petitioner with three children without a morsel of support" and "took with him all the negroes about eight." She states that she and David married in 1798 and that "by a constant round of dissipation and extravagance he was embarrassed by debts." Murdin fears that "without your Legislative interposition this unfeeling monster will return from Georgia ... and again rob your petitioner of the scanty necessaries of life by her manual labour she has collected." She therefore prays that "your Honoble Body in tender consideration [will] be pleased to enact such a law as will secure to your Petitioner what little she at present possesses or may hereafter obtain by her own labour, by gift or Inheritance free from the debts or power of her Husband."
Result: Postponed.
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Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina