Petition #11281709


Jeremiah Hubbard, clerk of "the Religious Society of Friends in their yearly Meeting," suggests a means to effect "a reform of this evil" of slavery, whereby "the descendents of Africa are held & doomed to perpetual & Involuntary servitude." The Quakers propose enacting measures that might gradually result in an "amelioration of their condition." They purport that "perhaps by acing in concert with the plan of the General Government for Colonizing ... and by prohibiting the introduction of Slaves into the State," this "unrighteous trafic (in some measure) in our section of the Union" might be discouraged. They believe said measures "would be aiding the cause of humanity, and politically beneficial to the moral Interest of the Community."

Result: Senate, house: read, referred.

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Citation information

Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina
