Thirty-eight Duplin County residents "cheerfully Join in the petition" of Jacob Smith to free his slave Abraam Smith. They represent that they "have been for a long time acquainted with Abraam Smith" and that "they have known him to be a faithful and obedient Servant and has ever demeaned himself in an humble and obedient manner to his owner and to all white persons." The petitioners further believe that the said Abraam "should form an exception to the rule" that mandates emancipated slaves leave the state, pointing to his "character, faithful services, obedient demeanor and his advanced age, which cannot increase this species of population in our midst." Noting that Abraam “is desirous of remaining in our midst,” the residents “shall be gratified for this, in addition to reasons above set forth, to see him emancipated.”
Result: Referred to committee; unfavorable.
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Repository: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina