Petition #11382019


One hundred and five Charleston residents express that they "have seen with anxious concern the number of Free negroes and coloured people, who have emigrated into this State from various quarters" and that they "have every reason to apprehend a daily increase of this alarming evil." The petitioners therefore propose certain restrictions be placed on the South Carolina free black and slave populations. They suggest a ban on "all free negroes and coloured people from migrating into this State"; that the owners be barred from emancipating their slaves unless "such emancipated slave or slaves shall within twelve months after such emancipation leave the State"; that churches be prevented from offering "exclusive worship of negroes and coloured people"; that free people of color who leave the state "shall be prohibited by Law, from ever returning"; and that the practice of "suffering schools or assemblages of negroes slaves to be taught reading and writing" be thoroughly denounced, as many of the school masters and teachers are "amply furnished with pecuniary means by abolitionist societies."

Result: Referred to judiciary committee.

10 people are documented within petition 11382019

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
