Petition #11382318


Martha Garner seeks compensation for her slave, William, who was convicted and executed for taking part "in the late conspiracy of the slaves in Charleston." Garner avers that William was "a very valuable negro man" whose "character as a Slave had not only been unimpeachable, but highly meritorious"; she felt the "deepest mortification and sorrow" to learn of his involvement in said uprising. She further explains that "she is in very slender circumstances, and by the execution of the said Slave is now deprived of her principal support." Moreover, Garner avows that "she has heretofore been offered as high as Fifteen Hundred Dollars" for William. The petitioner therefore prays "your Honorable House to take her peculiar case into Consideration and grant her such relief and such compensation for the loss she has sustained, as ... she may be deemed justly entitled to receive."

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
