Eleven members of the Manumission Society of Tennessee represent that the Society "has for its object the melioration of the condition of persons in bondage, by whatever lawful and prudent means the good of all concerned may be secured and protected." Believing "that God has made of one blood all conditions of men to dwell upon the face of the earth," they "perceive that the cause of humanity will be greatly promoted by regulating the food, clothing, lodging, labour and correction of slaves by law." They also "beg your attention to the propriety of interposing effectual legislative authority to prevent husbands and wives; Parents and children from being so sold as to separate them entirely or even unreasonably." The petitioners conclude with the request "that the good people of this state be permitted to emancipate their slaves of an age and state of health capable of providing a living without restraint or hazard of any kind."
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Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee