Petition #11484901


Thirty-four citizens of Bradley County voice concerns about the section of the state constitution "which exempts Slaves under 12 and over 50 years of age from taxation." They propose that said clause be amended "so as to make Slaves taxable from the time they become Slaves as Long as they are Slaves according to their value." They purport that "the Poorman has but little to protect but he under the present Law has to pay taxes for every Acre of Land he owns ... while the Rich Slaveholder is Raiseing young Negros and Speculating on his old ones free of taxation." They therefore "Submit the mater to your Consideration hopeing in your legislative Cappasity you will Considder your Selves the Representives of the poor as well as the Rich."

Result: Referred to judiciary committee.

10 people are documented within petition 11484901

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Citation information

Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee
