Capt. D. W. Alexander of the Marshall Rangers and 1st Lt. G. Malcomb of the Marion Dragoons ask that the Legislature "authorize by Law the hiring of three free negro men, at a price not exceeding the pay of a soldier to a company ... to attend to the preparing the meals for the Company & to be held responsible by the Captain for provisions placed in their charge." The officers purport that both time and money will be saved and "besides this you then have regular & Experienced cooks, and the Soldiers not kept from Drill, to attend to this duty, and can keep themselves much more clean & neat in appearance." They predict that "under this proposed arrangement, the meals for the entire company are all ready at the same time, which is a matter of no small importance." They therefore pray that said "economical & money saving measure" be approved.
Result: Referred to select committee.
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Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee