Petition #11486101


Capt. D. W. Alexander of the Marshall Rangers and 1st Lt. G. Malcomb of the Marion Dragoons ask that the Legislature "authorize by Law the hiring of three free negro men, at a price not exceeding the pay of a soldier to a company ... to attend to the preparing the meals for the Company & to be held responsible by the Captain for provisions placed in their charge." The officers purport that both time and money will be saved and "besides this you then have regular & Experienced cooks, and the Soldiers not kept from Drill, to attend to this duty, and can keep themselves much more clean & neat in appearance." They predict that "under this proposed arrangement, the meals for the entire company are all ready at the same time, which is a matter of no small importance." They therefore pray that said "economical & money saving measure" be approved.

Result: Referred to select committee.

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Citation information

Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee
