Petition #11683202


One hundred seven citizens of Surry County charge that "the mistaken humanity of the people of Virginia ... has permitted to remain in this commonwealth a class of persons who are neither freemen nor slaves." They maintain that "the mark set on them by nature precludes their enjoyment, in this country, of the privileges of the former; and the laws of the land do not allow them to be reduced to the condition of the latter," whereby "they are of necessity, degraded, profligate, vicious, turbulent and discontented." The petitioners assert that "we would not be cruel or unchristian but we must take care of the interest and morals of society, and of the peace of mind of the helpless in our families." They therefore believe "it is indispensable to the happiness of the latter, that this cause of apprehension be removed." Noting that free blacks "can never have the respect and intercourse here which are essential to rational happiness and social enjoyment and improvement," they state that "in other lands they may become an orderly, sober, industrious, moral, enlightened and christian community." The petitioners therefore "leave to the wisdom and provident forecast of the General Assembly, the conception, adoption and prosecution of the best practicable scheme."

Result: Referred to select committee.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
