Petition #11683803


Thirty-five Nelson County residents consider "the increasing proportion of a race among us of free persons distinct from the whites, in every thing by which races are contrasted" to be an "evil." They firmly aver that "the weaker race must labour under the disadvantages of conscious inferiority, and be exposed to the fires that allways arise from habitual feelings of degradation." They espouse, however, that "it would be humane, ... to place them, when practicable, in a situation more favorable to their usefullness and happiness" and "for this purpose some of our wisest and best men have earnestly laboured to provide an asylum for the free blacks of our country, in the land of their forefathers." The petitioners therefore suggest that the $18,000 yearly allotment for sending Virginia free blacks to Liberia, as provided by the 1833 act, be extended beyond the five years provided by the law and that the money be placed "more under the control of the Colonization Society."

Result: Referred to finance committee.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
