Petition #11684602


Forty churchgoers complain that "their worshiping Assemblies are of late so interrupted by drinking particularly by negroes on the Sabbath, that they will be under the necessity of discontinuing their Religious meetings on the Sabbath, unless they can be protected by the interference of the Legislature." Noting that "they are aware that they have now the power to punish those who are caught selling spirits at such meetings," they assert that it nonetheless difficult to catch them. They point out that the "law does not prohibit hucksters or cartmen from selling cakes candies & in the main roads ... and under the guise of this privilege, they frequently sell spirits." They believe that "to correct the evil ... it is necessary to prevent all sorts of trade at Religious meetings."

Result: Referred to committee for courts of justice.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
