Petition #20185408


Indebted to Trotman & Nance, a trading company, for $1,528, and to Hugh N. Moore for a bill of exchange worth $1,661 drawn on a company in New Orleans, Robert Freeman, a Jackson County planter, offers to sell his creditors ten slaves for four thousand dollars with the understanding that he could purchase them back within two years. The creditors agree, take the slaves, and travel to Madison County. They soon learn, however, that Freeman owes many other creditors when the slaves he sold them are taken up by the sheriff. "The said negroes have been advertised for sale at the Court house-door in the town of Huntsville," Trotman, Nance, and Moore explain, asserting that Freeman has the wherewithal to pay his debts but refuses to do so. Meanwhile, they seek an injunction to halt the sale of the slaves.

Result: Partially granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Madison County Public Library Archives, Huntsville, Alabama
