Marie Paméla Fortier petitions for separation of property from her husband, Jean Baptiste St. Amand. Marie Paméla Fortier St. Amand represents that, by the terms of her 1816 marriage contract, she brought to her husband a dowry consisting of obligations valued at $4,000 and a “sixteen or seventeen years old” female slave, a "griffonne" named Henriette, valued at $700. Since her marriage, Marie Paméla has added to the marriage community another $9,000, which represents her share in her late father’s estate. Marie Paméla now claims that her husband’s affairs are in such “disorder” that his estate will not be sufficient to meet her “rights & claims.” She therefore asks the court to grant her a separation in property from her husband. She also prays to be allowed to exercise her “mortgage & privilege” on the property, and she asks the court to order her husband to pay her $13,700 from the proceeds of the sale of said property.
Result: Granted.
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Repository: New Orleans Public Library, New Orleans, Louisiana