Petition #20883616


Phillip Hicky represents that, in May 1836, Isham P. Fox arrested his slave, named Little Charles, and “most cruelly & inhumanly beat wound & illtreat” him, causing a “considerable portion of the skin & flesh” on his “back & thighs” to be “sloughed off.” Hicky charges that Fox inflicted such “merciless and inhuman punishment” on Little Charles, cutting and bruising his head, face, and neck, that it “outraged decency and humanity” and required extensive treatment by “medical men” for “a great length of time.” Hicky claims that, as a result of Fox’s “inhuman conduct,” he has been deprived of the labor of his slave and incurred considerable expenses. He therefore prays that Fox be condemned to pay him $5,000 in compensation. A related testimony reveals that Little Charles ultimately died of his wounds.

Result: Partially granted.

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Citation information

Repository: East Baton Rouge Parish, Clerk of Court Archives, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
