Petition #20884622


Ann L. Webb petitions the court for a separation of property from her husband, Richard Fuqua, whom she married in 1839. According to Webb, during the year 1839 she received a donation "inter vivos" from her mother, Elizabeth Webb, comprised of three slaves and two-hundred-and-forty arpents of land. Additionally, she received ten slaves from her mother to satisfy the amount owed to her from the estate of her father, William Webb. Ann states that, "her said husbands affairs are in a damaged and embarrassed state" and that she "is apprehensive that his estate will not be sufficient to meet her just rights and claims." She prays for a separation of property and seeks to recover the administration of her separate estate.

Result: Granted.

17 people are documented within petition 20884622

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Citation information

Repository: East Baton Rouge Parish, Clerk of Court Archives, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
