Victor Vincent [Vincent Victor], a free man of color, seeks permission to emancipate his four-year-old daughter named Mary Victorine and twenty-one-month old son named Louis Victor, both of whom he purchased from Mary Gorham for that purpose. Victor Vincent represents that, “compelled by his parental feelings" as well as by a desire “to render justice” to those “to whom he has given birth,” he is anxious to “remove” his children “from the state of bondage” and restore them to “their rights of freedom.” He seeks the court’s assistance “in performing that duty,” which feelings of nature and humanity “so loudly demand.” He therefore prays that the court will judge his motives sufficient to allow the emancipation and submit the matter to the police jury’s review and determination.
Result: Granted.
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Repository: East Baton Rouge Parish, Clerk of Court Archives, Baton Rouge, Louisiana