Petition #20884806


Albert Hendricks seeks to recover a debt of $332.50 from John M. Philips. Hendricks represents that he was overseer on Philips’s corn and cotton plantation from October 1846 to December 1847. Philips had agreed to pay him $20 per month. In December 1847, however, Hendricks was fired and Philips refused to pay his wages. The case was submitted to arbitration and decided against Hendricks. Hendricks now claims that “unfounded and improper statements” were made to one of the members of the arbitration board, which made a false impression on the man’s mind and biased his opinion. Hendricks therefore seeks the court’s assistance in reviewing the case and deciding it in his favor. He prays that the court will issue a commission to take the testimony of one Benjamin F. Glasscock, a "material and Competant Witness in the Case."

Result: Granted; appealed; reversed.

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Citation information

Repository: Catahoula Parish Courthouse, Harrisonburg, Louisiana
