Petition #20885142


John S. Leland seeks to recover a debt of $250 from John G. Johnson. Leland represents that, in January of the current year, he contracted to act as overseer of Johnson’s plantation for a year and to furnish two slaves, a woman named Caroline and a ten-year-old boy named Curtis. Johnson promised to pay him $250 for the year. He claims that he performed his duties until the month of August, at which time Johnson dismissed him “without any legal or just cause.” Leland therefore seeks a judgment commanding Johnson to pay the debt. He also seeks an order of sequestration of Johnson’s cotton crop, on which he claims “a lien and privilege” and which he fears may be removed from the jurisdiction of the court before termination of the suit.

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Catahoula Parish Courthouse, Harrisonburg, Louisiana
