Petition #20886201


Bilisam Llorence, a free man of color, seeks payment from Charles Lemoine of a debt in the amount of $1,1154.31, plus interest. The debt includes execution of a promissory note on 6 June 1860 in the sum $739.40, plus interest; and also monies due as payment for the purchase of provisioning items. Llorence has pursued "amicable" means to recover his monies. Having failed, he now "prays" the court for a "lean" on Lemoine's cotton crop in payment for "goods and merchandise" bought on account from a New Orleans merchant, and to "have judgment" against Lemoine for the sum of $1,154.31 plus 8% interest, "cost of suit," and "general relief."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Natchitoches Parish Courthouse, Natchitoches, Louisiana
