Petition #20983113


Bill, Tom, Suckey, and Nelly complain that although they were manumitted by the will of Elizabeth Hood, the administrator of Hood's estate, Joseph J. Hopkins, has claimed them "as Slaves for a term of years or to hire for a term of years" and that in March 1831, the court authorized him to sell or hire the slaves to pay estate debts. The petitioners allege that Hopkins has neither accounted for the estate, nor proved insufficiency of current funds, nor included funds already received for their hire "and Certain other monies heretofore omitted in his accounts." They ask the court to compel a proper accounting of the estate and to rescind its previous order to sell them. The court granted the petition and "directed a citation to issue returnable to the next Court."

Result: Granted.

6 people are documented within petition 20983113

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Citation information

Repository: Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland
