Petition #20985316


Daniel Boston, a free man of color and guardian of Betty [Kitty] Boston, "a free colored girl," petitions the court to intervene on his ward's behalf and to reassign her indenture. In 1846, Boston indentured Betty to Henry Owens, believing that he would treat her well. However, Boston explains, Owens gave Betty to Robert Gale "to live with him as a servant in his family," and he now believes that Betty has been "very cruelly treated" by Gale. He claims that Betty has received "twenty-five lashes from him the marks of which will go with her to her grave." He also asserts that while at Gale's, Betty has been exposed to "a colored woman of very bad character who is daily corrupting her mind" and inducing ill behavior that incurs Gale's wrath. Betty is now sick, and Boston fears "if she is not immediately removed from said Gale's charge the effects upon her health or even life may be serious." He asks that Betty be removed from Gale's service and bound to someone who will take proper care of her for the remainder of her term of service.

Result: Partially granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland
