Petition #20985923


Susan Brumbaugh and William Hamilton, administrators of the estate of the late Andrew Brumbaugh, put forth that in 1857 Andrew owned a slave named Henry Baker whose term of service was set to expire in four years and three months. Baker ran away more than once during Brumbaugh's lifetime, once to Pennsylvania where he was apprehended, and another time to Baltimore where he is currently in jail. The petitioners request that Baker's term of service be extended and they ask permission to sell Baker either in or out of state. A related document reveals that in 1857 Henry Baker, also known as William Henry Baker, violated a law regulating free people of color and by court order was sold as a slave. Baker, a former convict, was charged with "having remained and been found within the limits of the State for more than sixty days after his discharge from the said Penitentiary."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland
