Petition #21084811


Henrietta Perkins, an heir of the estate of Margaret Perkins, asks the court to require Edward Exum to give an account of the property he held as guardian to the petitioner and her sisters. She states that, in October 1841, Exum received fourteen slaves, "which were the joint and equal property of your petitioner and of her said three sisters." Perkins reports that Exum has sent forty-year-old Dorcas, one of the said slaves who is a "good cook, washer & ironer, and an accomplished house servant," to Louisiana. Charging that Exum withheld hire profits and estate property from his wards, the petitioner asks that he be prevented from surrendering his letters of guardianship until certain slaves and sums of money are placed into the possession of the heirs.

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Yazoo County Courthouse, Yazoo City, Mississippi
